Friday, November 09, 2007
Film Showing - Can We Save Planet Earth? (by BBC)
Interested members of the public could call the Bristish Consulate-General HK at 2901 3277 or visit its website for registration.
Christians for Eco-concern
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Our Submission to The Council for Sustainable Development re "Clean Air - Clean Choices"
However, we do agree with Mr. Rafael HUI, Chairman of Council for Sustainable Development (the Council) that we should all work together for the well-being of our future generations, which is built upon every effort we contribute to the sustainable development of our home city. For this reason, we would like to forward our views on the Consultation Document as follows:
a) If we could only implement measures to deal with the relatively minor and peripheral aspects and yet leaving the major polluting sources unabated, our citizens would easily be frustrated owing to non-proportionate expectations. Therefore, the authorities must present a clear and thorough picture with commitment and determination to the general public before launching any ambitious program.
b) We are well aware of the complication, difficulties and obstacles in pursuing a Regional clean-up strategy. Nevertheless, our citizens deserve the right to be informed of a reasonable outlook for the abatement of air pollution problems in the Pearl River Delta region such as cross-border negotiations and joint investigative and research efforts.
c) In terms of the proposed road-pricing scheme to alleviate pollution, we advocate the principle of “The polluter pays to remedy its own mess" (污者自負,用在環保). Obviously, the revenues (if any) to be collected through such road pricing scheme should be appropriate in terms of deterring unnecessary use of polluting vehicles and be reasonable so as NOT to cause undue public grievances or dissention. Reasonable exemption should be applied to use of vehicles for the under-privileged or for reasons of emergency situations. The revenues should go to a separate Environmental Fund set aside to deal specifically with the more urgent and imminent problems.
d) The HKSAR government should take immediate initiative to encourage vehicle owners to replace their polluting vehicles by vehicles with acceptable emission standards. Simultaneously, the government has to provide realistic traffic alternatives to commuters as an encouragement for avoiding congested areas. The government should also take a pro-active role to regulate the likely or anticipated traffic flows together with their pollution potentials which will come about with major developments like the Hong Kong – Zhuhai –Macau Bridge project.
e) Periodic review and announcement of the relevant statistics should be made and publicized by the government for the purposes of information, follow-up and education to the public on the matter of reducing air pollution in good time. We also favor the setting up of an early alarm system to warn the public of any imminent pollution episodes with practical advice for the sick, elderly and the children in particular and the public in general.
f) “Local sustainability” is a rather confined and partial concept before the horrendous trend of globalization. Air pollution problems in particular see no geographical boundary. Any real and lasting air problem created somewhere in the world will eventually affects others elsewhere. The Council should therefore take up a global perspective in dealing with issues even locally.
Submitted by:
Christians for Eco-concern
Date: 15 October, 2007
The above is only a summary of the Full Submission.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Christian for Eco-concern's views re HONG KONG’S Constitutional Development
2. As members of the HKSAR, we support the basic policies of “One Country, Two Systems”, “Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong” and “a high degree of autonomy” for Hong Kong’s internal affairs. We also welcome The Joint Declaration of 1984 which prescribed that the current systems in Hong Kong would remain unchanged.
3. We respect the political structure of the HKSAR as prescribed in Chapter IV of the Basic Law and Annexes I and II therein. We have no problem with Article 45 of the Basic Law which provides that “The CE of the HKSAR shall be selected by election or through consultations held locally and be appointed by the Central People’s Government of China.”
4. Similarly, we agree to Article 68 of the Basic Law which provides that “The LegCo of the HKSAR shall be constituted by election. The method for forming LegCo shall be specified in the light of the actual situation in the HKSAR and in accordance with the principle of gradual and orderly progress. The ultimate aim is the election of all the members of LegCo by universal suffrage.”
5. We take note that it is the HKSAR government’s view that in the process of attaining the ultimate aim of universal suffrage and in designing a model for implementing universal suffrage, we must ensure that, inter alia, the four principles on constitutional development under the Basic Law could be fully implemented, namely,
(a) meeting the interests of different sectors of society;
(b) facilitating the development of the capitalist economy;
(c) gradual and orderly progress; and
(d) appropriate to the actual situation in the HKSAR.
6. As an eco-concern group, we urge the government to take the long term environmental interests of Hong Kong, China and also that of the world in its formulation of any policy. Being a cosmopolitan member of the global community, Hong Kong should do no less than taking a leadership role in the fight against global warming and other environmental issues. We owe it to ourselves and our future generations to engage this fight NOW with commitment, determination and commensurate policies and programs. Our children will not forgive us for doing anything less.
7. Since a sustainable economy is inextricably based on a healthy ecology and the thriving of the human race, we propose that one extra principle be incorporated into the four principles on constitutional development under the Basic Law, namely, we need to undertake and strive for harmony with people and nature, starting locally and extending globally.
8. The above would call for, as a start, the addition of a commensurate and representative (sizeable since it involves everyone) environmental sector (including the NGOs) as part of the functional constituencies in the current system and to strive for greater representation in future constitutional revisions.
Submitted by:
Christians for Eco-concern
Date: 10 October, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
中國气象科学数据共享 (China Meteorological Data Sharing System)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
We ask The Secretary for the Environment for immediate and decisive actions to tackle the climate crisis.
Dear Mr. YAU,
We are Christians for Eco-concern of Hong Kong, an environmental network supported by the Hong Kong Christian Council. We have already obtained 140 local signatures in response and support to Mr. Al Gore, the former vice-president of the US, and’s call for a joint effort by governments of the world to tackle the imminent global warming crisis.
The concerned signatures include 122 paper and about 18 web signatures. The English version of our petition is as follows:
As informed by many scientists and leaders worldwide, climate change is an imminent threat facing our world today. We urge you to tackle the said problem now, decisively and together with other leaders of the world, especially those of the Pearl River Delta and the central leaders of Peoples’ Republic of China. We promise to join our efforts as citizens of HKSAR with yours.
Please note that all phone numbers and email addresses in the enclosed petition forms are meant for your official verification ONLY. They should be treated strictly as PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL.
As a local eco-concern group, we hope to meet you in person in order to exchange our views on how we may cooperate with the government towards the goals of resolving the climate crisis and that of protecting the environment in general.
We look forward to meeting you at your earliest convenience. Regards.
(Howard Lai)
Moderator, Christians for Eco-concern.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Submission to EPD & Panel on Environmental Affairs, LEGCO, HKSAR
Views regarding The Proposal on An Environmental Levy on Plastic Shopping Bags
- According to government statistics, more than 23 million plastic shopping bags are disposed of at our landfills every single day. This translates into more than three plastic shopping bags per person per day, which is much higher than our overseas counterparts. An environmental levy, which is in line with the 'polluter pays' principle, to provide a direct economic disincentive to reduce the indiscriminate use of plastic shopping bags.
Our View: We support the polluter pays principle. Also, we advocate that the money so collected should be used directly to deal with the specific or other priority environmental problems. Hence, it pays to resolve the problem. As on the matter of plastic bags, we expect the government to take a more pro-active role to implement the 4 “R” principles, namely, to replace, reduce, reuse and recycle the concerned plastic bags and their production so as to achieve a meaningful target of plastic waste reduction. - Under the scheme, EPD proposes a phased approach with the banning of free distribution of plastic shopping bags at chain or large supermarkets, convenience stores and personal healthy and beauty stores and the introduction of an environmental levy of 50 cents on each plastic shopping bag at these retail outlets in the first phase.
Our View: The EPD should take immediate initiative to either replace or reduce the use of plastic bags distributed by newspaper stalls to their customers when newspapers are purchased as well. - A public opinion survey conducted in 2006 showed that close to 90% of the respondents believed there was scope to reduce the use of plastic shopping bags in their daily life, while more than 85% of respondents said that they would reduce the use of plastic shopping bags if an environmental levy of 50 cents was imposed. A proposed levy of 50 cents would strike a right balance between public acceptance and effective disincentive and would encourage the customers to think twice before asking for a plastic shopping bag, or to bring their own bags at all time, which was a more sensible choice with the levy in place. In doing so, they not only avoid the levy but also help save the environment.
Our View: EPD should encourage local residents to use environmentally friendly bags by making available reasonably priced bags at major supermarket, chain stores, etc… for their customers’ purchase. One way to do it is by cooperating with local concerned groups or manufacturers with a funding incentive to produce or promote the use of such environmentally friendly bags. - It is estimated that the proposed 50 cents levy will reduce about 1 billion plastic shopping bags, or about 50% of plastic shopping bags at the retailers covered by the scheme.
Our View: Periodic review and announcement of the relevant statistics should be made and publicized by the government for the purposes of information, follow-up and education to the public on the matter of reducing plastic wastes.
Submitted by:
Christians for Eco-concern
Date: 11 July, 2007
Sunday, July 08, 2007
在此,基督徒環保關注組謹向所有來賓、工作人員,三育書院和佑寧堂致謝,但願我們能攜手同心來對抗氣候變暖,並祝各位 主恩更多!
Howard, 基督徒環保關注組聯絡人
Thursday, July 05, 2007
致香港特區政府 環境局局長 邱騰華先生
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
1. 地點:
(一) 九龍佑寧堂﹝Kowloon Union Church﹞; 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm:
(二) 三育書院﹝Hong Kong Adventist College﹞; 7 pm – 9 pm:
2. 午間節目:
(一) 會前報告及致謝
(二) 播放: 絕望真相(An Inconvenient Truth) (精華選映)
(三) 電影回應 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─馮思聰博士
(四) 歌唱表演
(五) 嘉賓致辭 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 天文台 梁榮武先生
(六) 環保你我他:三育書院的環保企劃簡介
(七) 請你也起來 ─ ─ ─ ─ 基督徒環保關注組
(八) 分組討論:你會如何面對地球變暖?
(九) 祝福 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 郭乃弘牧師
3. 黃昏節目:
(一) 會前報告及致謝
(二) 播放: 絕望真相(An Inconvenient Truth) (精華選映)
(三) 電影回應 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─馮思聰博士
(四) 歌唱表演
(五) 嘉賓致辭 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 天文台 梁榮武先生
(六) 環保你我他:三育書院的環保企劃簡介
(七) 請你也起來 ─ ─ ─ ─基督徒環保關注組
(八) 現場轉播鄰近氣候危機音樂會 (如可行)
(九) 散會
歡迎各界人士參與,如有查詢,請電23687123 找尹先生 或 93724864找黎先生。或電郵 即可。
香港基督徒環保關注組 啟
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Besides petitioning to the nations, Christians can also pray to the Lord Jesus for His mercy and intervention in this important summit meeting. Let's ask God the Father and Christ the Saviour to show us the right way ahead as well as to move the leaders towards a global consensus of urgent actions to solve the problem in question. Amen.
Monday, April 16, 2007
3 Common Challenges of the World by Jeffrey Sachs
Jeffrey Sachs delivers the first of five lectures at The Royal Society, London where he outlines 3 common challenges facing mankind and argues that we must adapt to the new age before it is too late!
The greatest challenge is learning to live in a crowded and interconnected world that is creating unprecedented pressures on human society and on the physical environment. Peace as a way of solving problems is a crucial concept for us since we are on a path of increasing risk and increasing instability, and by all objective measures the path of increasing hatred as well. We have not yet found a way of solving problems that our generation faces now.
According to Sachs, the 3 common problems are:
(1) The challenge of the Anthropocene – That is the idea that the physical systems of the planet -- chemical fluxes, the climate, habitats, biodiversity, evolutionary processes -- are to an incredible and unrecognized extent under human forcings (influences) that now dominate a large measure of the most central ecological, chemical and bio-physical processes on the planet.
(2) The challenge of geo-politics or the Age of Convergence – It's the notion that in a world that is more connected than ever before, a world where economic development, at least for the last 250 years, has been driven by technology, and now a world where those technologies diffuse rapidly around the world. One result is that there will be in our time a fundamental shift of economic power, and the political power that goes along with it. The unfortunate thing is we're (especially the West and the currently privileged) not ready for it.
(3) The challenge of the weakest links – In an interconnected world, all parts of the world are affected by what happens in all other parts of the world. We cannot be surprised when events in some far off and distant place can be of fundamental significance even for survival, for the spending of hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of dollars for the direction of global politics especially those places in the world that suffer, where people die because they are too poor and those parts of the world which face horrific challenges to even get onto the ladder of development.
He cited examples such as the problem of peace-keeping in Darfur which is the poorest place on the whole planet where there is not enough water to keep people alive and where the electricity grid is hundreds of miles away. He questioned the situation where people are devoting massive sums of money to weapons that could be better devoted to combat ignorance, poverty and disease. He even shown us that one day's Pentagon spending could cover every sleeping site in Africa for five years with anti-malaria bed nets. His conclusion is amazingly simple: we do have choices -- they are good ones if we take them.
What do you think, friends?
Listen to his speech: Bursting at the Seams.
Monday, April 09, 2007
The Fate and Views of Nuclear Plants
The said report reminds me of Dr James Lovelock, the leading environmentalist and scientist who invented the "Gaia theory" and has once told the Western Morning News that he regretted his endorsement of windfarms in the West country of UK. The core of the Gaia theory is about the earth as a self-regulating, living system rather than that of the Darwinian theory of competing physical, chemical and biological interests. Dr. Lovelock believes nuclear power is the only form of energy that will not contribute to global warming and could supply enough power for the planet. (for a fuller report, see Country Guardian’s WIND POWER JUST A GESTURE of 03 February 2004 )
You may also listen to Dr. Lovelock’s soundtracks on
(1) How he came to write The Revenge of Gaia,
(2) Dr Lovelock explains how Gaia theory informs his predictions,
Sunday, April 08, 2007
According to’s weather forecast of April 6th: “ A dramatic weather pattern will result in snow in some very unusual places, including the mid-Atlantic region and as far south as northern Texas, along with record-breaking cold and a stormy pattern into next week." It goes on further to state that this week's big, high-impact cold wave will get a shot at rewriting record books across a big swath of the nation early Easter morning.… Although the area of record-setting cold will reach westward into the Great Plains, it will be the South where the highest concentration of new low temperature extremes will be registered. … Daily record lows may fall by 10 degrees, even more. Needless to say, early spring growth, including fruit trees, vegetable crops and home garden plantings, will be at great risk of frost and freeze damage overnight.”
讓我們希望今天在美國南部出現的反常現象不是全球大氣變暖的一個直接後果;然而,全球大氣變暖現象和其與溫室氣體濃度的相關性(correlation)是超過90% (見維基百科:Scientific opinion on climate change)的數據,卻是對全人類的一個清晰警號!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
A good "click" for climate changes around the world
The BBC has provided a good map for an easy click to dicover climate change around the world. Try it yourself: Climate change around the world
World Health Day 2007
Today (April 7th) is the World Health Day. Its 2007 theme is "Invest in health, build a safer future". The concerned messages are:
1. Invest in health, build a safer future.
2. Threats to health know no borders.
3. Health leads to security; insecurity leads to poor health.
4. Preparedness and quick response improve international health security.
5. The World Health Organization is making the world more secure
Coincidentally, the World Health Organization was also established 59 years ago on 7 April 1948. The World Health theme 2007 is somehow related to some of the Millennium Development Goals adopted unanimously at the 2000 U.N. Millennium Assembly, namely,
- Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. By 2015, reduce by half both the proportion of people living on less than $1 a day and the share suffering from hunger.
- Reduce child mortality. By 2015, reduce by two-thirds the mortality rate among children under five;
- Improve maternal health. By 2015, reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality rate.
- Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases. Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases by 2015.
- Ensure environmental sustainability. Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs and reverse the loss of environmental resources. By 2015, cut in half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and sanitation. By 2020, improve significantly the lives of 100 million slum dwellers.
The interesting question here is: Can the various UN assemblies and committees work in a truly collaborative and synergistic manner to reach their goals? Otherwise, things could be dragged in a discord owing to bureaucracies and ambiguous accountabilities much after the fashion of the ineffectiveness in dealing with cross-border pollution among government bureaus in Hong Kong.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Call for Action by Dr Margaret Chan
"We live in a world where threats to health arise from the speed and volume of air travel, the way we produce and trade food, the way we use and misuse antibiotics, and the way we manage the environment. All of these activities have intensified the chance of outbreaks of epidemic-prone diseases. Outbreaks today are larger in two ways. First, changes in the way humanity inhabits the planet have led to the emergence of new diseases in unprecedented numbers. In the thirty years from 1973 to 2003, when SARS appeared, 39 pathogenic agents capable of causing human disease were newly identified. Among them are Ebola, HIV/AIDS, legionnaire's disease, Hanta virus, Hendra virus, Nipah virus, and H5N1 avian influenza. This is an ominous trend. It is historically unprecedented, and it is certain to continue.
Second, people are highly mobile and interconnected in the 21st century. SARS taught us how quickly a new disease can spread along the routes of international air travel. Financial markets are closely intertwined. These trends mean that the disruption caused by an outbreak in one part of the world can quickly ricochet throughout the global financial and business systems.
In June 2007, the revised International Health Regulations will come into force. For the first time, WHO is authorized to act on media reports to request verification and offer collaboration to an affected country. If this offer is refused, WHO can alert the world to an emergency of international concern using information other than official government notifications.
Population growth, urbanization trends and unsanitary conditions in many parts of the world create ideal conditions for explosive epidemics of well-known diseases, such as yellow fever and dengue. Environmental degradation and changing weather patterns allow known diseases to flare up in unexpected places, at unexpected times, and with unprecedented numbers of cases. Today, mainstay drugs fail much faster than the pace of development of replacement drugs. Such threats reinforce our need for shared responsibility and collective action in the face of universal vulnerability, in sectors well beyond health."
Friday, March 23, 2007
World TUBERCULOSIS (TB) Day 「世界防癆日」
A press release by the WHO on 22 March 2007 indicated that the global tuberculosis (TB) epidemic has levelled off for the first time since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared TB a public health emergency in 1993. The Global Tuberculosis Control Report released today by WHO finds that the percentage of the world's population struck by TB peaked in 2004 and then held steady in 2005. "We are currently seeing both the fruits of global action to control TB and the lethal nature of the disease’s ongoing burden," said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Although the rate at which people developed TB in 2005 was level or even declined slightly compared to 2004, the actual number of TB cases continued to rise slowly. The reason for this difference is that world population is expanding. The number of cases in 2005 was 8 787 000, up from 8 718 000 in 2004.
An estimated 1.6 million people died of the disease in 2005, 195 000 of them people living with HIV. Indeed, TB is a major cause of death among people living with HIV/AIDS, and HIV is the main reason for failure to meet TB control targets in high HIV settings, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, where HIV/AIDS is dramatically fuelling the TB epidemic. The spread of extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) poses a serious threat to progress and could even reverse recent gains. "We have a clear plan on how to control XDR-TB, but countries are moving far too slowly on implementing this plan. Funding is an issue as well -- it will take an additional US$ 650 million globally to implement control of both XDR-TB and multi-drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) in 2007 alone," said Dr Mario Raviglione, Director of the WHO Stop TB Department.
The Report finds that the WHO Regions of the Americas, South-East Asia and the Western Pacific are now on track to meet their 2015 Global Plan Targets; while the African, Eastern Mediterranean and European regions are not. WHO's 2005 targets of 70% case detection and 85% cure were narrowly missed globally: case detection was 60% and treatment success was 84%.
For full release, please see HIV/AIDS and other obstacles still thwarting progress
Thursday, March 22, 2007
(1) 世界宣明會
(2) 2007年世界水日
(3) World Water Day
The Mystery of Time
(1) Preface 1.1 Time is just too ordinary a concept for the ordinary people. However, only a few people have seriously inquired into wha...
Scripture : Genesis 1:1-31 (Prayer → Reading → Meditation+Contemplation My meditation : I would like to summarize the teachings a...
Scripture : Genesis 2:1-3 (Prayer→Reading→Meditation+Contemplation) My meditation : The first reference to God's ordination a...
Scripture : Genesis 1:11-31 1. Prayer 2. Reading 3. Meditation My meditation : The third point t...