Tuesday, August 23, 2011


新福事工協會聯同基督徒環保關注組將會在今年十月一日 (星期六)舉行一項名為社區環保倡議行動的活動。目的在信徒群體中建立支援綱絡,推廣關愛上帝創造的信息和行動。

活動將會在新福事工協會粉領辦事處舉行,當日上午有主題講座及分組研討會。新福事工協會將安排一頓地道午餐,下午會到附近的創姿園農莊進行導賞工作坊及參觀。大會將安排由粉領火車站往返場地的接送交通。費用為每人一百二十元 (包午膳及往返粉嶺火車站接送費用) 。有興趣的教會或信徒,請聯絡新福事工協會 (2729-1201) 楊小姐(Susan)。名額有限,先到先得。


Saturday, January 01, 2011

Christians for Eco-concern's Response to EPD's Climate Change Consultation 2010

Dear Friends,

As you might know, the Environmental Protection Department has been seeking the views through a public consultation regarding Hong Kong's Climate Change Strategy and Action Agenda. Christians for Eco-concern has just sent in our views yesterday (31st Dec. 2010, HKCEC's Submission) to voice out our concerns. We wish to emphasize that we would agree with all measures for the betterment and sustainability of our living environment regarding such issues as combating the projected climate change. We as Christians believe in the advantages and sustainability of a simple style of living by humankind according to Biblical teachings and principles. At the same time, we do give an equal emphasis to facts and scientific discoveries.

We therefore hold the following principles as essential to a sustainable future:
  • Aspiring to a simple, non-consumerism based life-style would bring about real contentment and enhance the harmony among humans and nature.
  • Caring for people and nature affected by our actions, wherever they are, is our fundamental responsibility as individual and as a society.
  • Obligations and rights are complimentary. Responsible leaders and officers must lead by example in order to boost confidence and endorsement by the general public in terms of social policies and actions.
  • The prudent application of appropriate technologies, based on fundamental scientific research, discovery and knowledge, would improve people’s livelihood.
As far as we know, there are at least 7 different theories explaining the phenomenon of climate change the most well known of them is the anthropogenic global warming theory in which man-made green house gas (GHG) emissions are a major cause of climate change (see The Seven Theories of Climate Change for details). These theories are neither exhaustive nor mutually exclusive. Even though there are debates about the validity and reliability of the theories, each of them bears valuable insights which might be combined to give a fuller picture of what is going on in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Indeed, we note a clear spelling out of uncertainty in the ERM’s consultancy report under s.4.3 (see also s.3.4.6) on UNCERTAINTIES IN CLIMATE CHANGE SCIENCE. Consequently, one may ask how accurate are the IPCC predictions on climate change and how well is Hong Kong prepared to tackle the uncertainties and contingencies? The HKSAR government should set up an effective mechanism to assess and ascertain the most likely impacts locally with regard to the various scenarios of climate change.

We also suggest that the government should :
a) Conduct a massive public consultation on our core values as to what the citizens want and put the options with the give and take honestly stated (e.g. more money vs. less time, more pollution, poorer health …etc.),

b) Conduct a massive and sustained program to educate the public on healthy and sustainable (simple) life-style with our top public officials serving as examples,

c) Conduct or support the necessary and sufficient investigations and scientific researches into existing or anticipated problems according to their potential or verified harms and threats. These investigations and researches must be done objectively and carefully with a view to producing results and practical guidelines sensibly and responsibly, and

d) Devise and formulate the necessary policies and/or legal framework to put forward the best practicable means to alleviate or eliminate the problems and risks according to their priorities as a result of the aforesaid investigations and researches mentioned in (c).

May the Lord Jesus guide and help us to contribute to the betterment of Hong Kong and the globe. Amen.

Hong Kong Christians for Eco-concern

The Mystery of Time

(1) Preface 1.1   Time is just too ordinary a concept for the ordinary people. However, only a few people have seriously inquired into wha...