Monday, April 09, 2007

The Fate and Views of Nuclear Plants

CBS correspondent Steve Kroft reported on April 8 under the topic “France: Vive Les Nukes” (Long Live The Nuclear Plants) stated that “with power demands rising and concerns over global warming increasing, what the world needs now is an efficient means of producing large amounts of carbon free energy. One of the few available options is nuclear, a technology whose time seemed to come and go and may now be coming again.” Incidentally some 30 years ago, the French decided to go their own way and embrace nuclear power plants. Indeed, nuclear energy powers almost everything in France: its homes, its factories and even its high speed railroads besides Paris, the "City of Light". Nearly 80 percent of the country's electricity comes from 58 nuclear power plants. "

The said report reminds me of Dr James Lovelock, the leading environmentalist and scientist who invented the "Gaia theory" and has once told the Western Morning News that he regretted his endorsement of windfarms in the West country of UK. The core of the Gaia theory is about the earth as a self-regulating, living system rather than that of the Darwinian theory of competing physical, chemical and biological interests. Dr. Lovelock believes nuclear power is the only form of energy that will not contribute to global warming and could supply enough power for the planet. (for a fuller report, see Country Guardian’s WIND POWER JUST A GESTURE of 03 February 2004 )

You may also listen to Dr. Lovelock’s soundtracks on
(1) How he came to write The Revenge of Gaia,
(2) Dr Lovelock explains how Gaia theory informs his predictions,

The Mystery of Time

(1) Preface 1.1   Time is just too ordinary a concept for the ordinary people. However, only a few people have seriously inquired into wha...