Sunday, April 08, 2007


根據ETtoday.com東森新聞報2007年1月19日有如下報導:『 邁入2007年還不到一個月,全球各地都出現氣候異常,美國冰風暴已經持續一周多,‧‧‧加州馬里布20年來首見降雪,柑橘作物的寒害損失至少8億美元。 西歐、北歐也降下暴風雨,以英國情況最慘,最大陣風時速高達159公里,英國氣象局氣象預報員說,18日橫掃英國的狂風,風速是「1990年1月以來的最高紀錄。」德國也吹起最大時速170公里的如颶風般的狂風‧‧‧』

According to’s weather forecast of April 6th: “ A dramatic weather pattern will result in snow in some very unusual places, including the mid-Atlantic region and as far south as northern Texas, along with record-breaking cold and a stormy pattern into next week." It goes on further to state that this week's big, high-impact cold wave will get a shot at rewriting record books across a big swath of the nation early Easter morning.… Although the area of record-setting cold will reach westward into the Great Plains, it will be the South where the highest concentration of new low temperature extremes will be registered. … Daily record lows may fall by 10 degrees, even more. Needless to say, early spring growth, including fruit trees, vegetable crops and home garden plantings, will be at great risk of frost and freeze damage overnight.”

According to Peter Wittoeck of
Science & Spirit : "The consequences of global warming for agriculture is seen in the rise of the sea level for low-lying coastal areas will be flooded and will no longer be useful for agricultural purposes. … Besides, it is expected that extreme weather conditions will occur more frequently, involving heavy storms or very dry and hot periods. Also, the present climat zones will move towards the poles: for temperate climates a shift by 200 to 300 kilometres can be expected for every extra degree Celsius. This poses problems for the cultivation of certain crops… Warming also means that summers will have more periods of drought. To get some idea of their impact, we can take the drought of 1988 in the United States as an example. Crop yields dropped by no less than 40%."

讓我們希望今天在美國南部出現的反常現象不是全球大氣變暖的一個直接後果;然而,全球大氣變暖現象和其與溫室氣體濃度的相關性(correlation)是超過90% (見維基百科:
Scientific opinion on climate change)的數據,卻是對全人類的一個清晰警號!

The Mystery of Time

(1) Preface 1.1   Time is just too ordinary a concept for the ordinary people. However, only a few people have seriously inquired into wha...