Thursday, July 19, 2007

We ask The Secretary for the Environment for immediate and decisive actions to tackle the climate crisis.

Dear Mr. YAU,

We are Christians for Eco-concern of Hong Kong, an environmental network supported by the Hong Kong Christian Council. We have already obtained 140 local signatures in response and support to Mr. Al Gore, the former vice-president of the US, and’s call for a joint effort by governments of the world to tackle the imminent global warming crisis.

The concerned signatures include 122 paper and about 18
web signatures. The English version of our petition is as follows:

    As informed by many scientists and leaders worldwide, climate change is an imminent threat facing our world today. We urge you to tackle the said problem now, decisively and together with other leaders of the world, especially those of the Pearl River Delta and the central leaders of Peoples’ Republic of China. We promise to join our efforts as citizens of HKSAR with yours.

Please note that all phone numbers and email addresses in the enclosed petition forms are meant for your official verification ONLY. They should be treated strictly as PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL.

As a local eco-concern group, we hope to meet you in person in order to exchange our views on how we may cooperate with the government towards the goals of resolving the climate crisis and that of protecting the environment in general.

We look forward to meeting you at your earliest convenience. Regards.

(Howard Lai)
Moderator, Christians for Eco-concern.

The Mystery of Time

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