雖然在倉卒中我們未能完全按著原來的全部計劃進行先前訂下的程序,但是大體上我們都得到與會者的認同,當中更有回應希望能再次觀看「絕望真相」(An Inconvenient Truth)一次;另外,天文台梁榮武先生的分享亦帶給大家一個既專業、深入和很有人情味的分享,在場人士都聽得津津有味。
在此,基督徒環保關注組謹向所有來賓、工作人員,三育書院和佑寧堂致謝,但願我們能攜手同心來對抗氣候變暖,並祝各位 主恩更多!
Howard, 基督徒環保關注組聯絡人
Sunday, July 08, 2007
The Mystery of Time
(1) Preface 1.1 Time is just too ordinary a concept for the ordinary people. However, only a few people have seriously inquired into wha...
Scripture : Genesis 1:1-31 (Prayer → Reading → Meditation+Contemplation My meditation : I would like to summarize the teachings a...
Scripture : Genesis 2:1-3 (Prayer→Reading→Meditation+Contemplation) My meditation : The first reference to God's ordination a...
Scripture : Genesis 1:11-31 1. Prayer 2. Reading 3. Meditation My meditation : The third point t...