新福事工協會聯同基督徒環保關注組將會在今年十月一日 (星期六)舉行一項名為社區環保倡議行動的活動。目的在信徒群體中建立支援綱絡,推廣關愛上帝創造的信息和行動。
活動將會在新福事工協會粉領辦事處舉行,當日上午有主題講座及分組研討會。新福事工協會將安排一頓地道午餐,下午會到附近的創姿園農莊進行導賞工作坊及參觀。大會將安排由粉領火車站往返場地的接送交通。費用為每人一百二十元 (包午膳及往返粉嶺火車站接送費用) 。有興趣的教會或信徒,請聯絡新福事工協會 (2729-1201) 楊小姐(Susan)。名額有限,先到先得。
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The Mystery of Time
(1) Preface 1.1 Time is just too ordinary a concept for the ordinary people. However, only a few people have seriously inquired into wha...
Scripture : Genesis 1:1-31 (Prayer → Reading → Meditation+Contemplation My meditation : I would like to summarize the teachings a...
Scripture : Genesis 2:1-3 (Prayer→Reading→Meditation+Contemplation) My meditation : The first reference to God's ordination a...
Scripture : Genesis 1:11-31 1. Prayer 2. Reading 3. Meditation My meditation : The third point t...